Sample Preparation
Heating and Mixing
Electrophoresis and Blotting
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Western Blotting
Power Supplies
PCR & qPCR Thermal Cycler
Thermal Cycler (PCR)
Real-time Thermal Cycler (qPCR)
PCR Workstations & Cabinets
UVP BioImaging Systems
Molecular Spectroscopy
Lab Equipment
Ultraviolet Products
Hybridization Ovens
UVP Incubator
UV Crosslinkers
UVP Benchtop Transilluminators
Thermal Mixers
Electrophoresis & Blotting
View All
Fume hood
Laminar Airflow
Biosafety Cabinet
pH Meter
Shaker & Mixer
Orbital Shaking Incubator
BOD Incubator
Heating Oven
Water Purification System
Aermax - Air Purification
Medical Oxygen Concetrators
Hygiene Solution
-150°C Cryogenic Freezer
-86°C Ultra Low Temp Freezer
-40°C Low Temp Freezer
-18 ~ -25°C Biomedical Freezer
-20°C Biomedical Freezer
4° ± 1°C Blood Bank Refrigerators
2~8°C Pharma Refrigerators
2~8°C ICE Lined Refrigerators
-25°C ~ + 4°C Mobile Freezer/Collers
20~24°C Blood Platelet Incubators
Ice Machines
Mortuary Chambers
Automated liquid handling made easy
Is time of the essence? Is your laboratory space limited? Would you like to save on costs? Then we have the pipetting platform for you. Optimize your work processes with CyBio FeliX, a liquid handling system adaptable to your requirements.
Free yourself from repetetive manual pipetting
Save valuable laboratory space
Expand your experimental possibilities
Be ready for upcoming developments
Contact us for expert advice for your needs and budget.
The CyBio FeliX is a flexible and fully automatic multi-channel pipetting robot. The modular system consists of a basic unit, with a unique two-level deck system and easy-to-change pipetting heads. The pipetting heads can automatically switch between different pipette tip magazines, pipetting tools, and other instruments (such as grippers). Further accessories such as tip-washing stations, reservoirs etc. are available as well.
CyBio FeliX is a versatile and flexible pipetting platform. Whether MALDI sample preparation, genetic engineering, nucleic acid extraction, cell application and many more – the CyBio FeliX is suitable for the automation of virtually every laboratory workflow.
The combination of CyBio FeliX and the corresponding Extraction Set offers the solution for automated nucleic acid extraction in the 96-well format, which is coordinated down to the smallest detail. With only a few additional configurations the CyBio FeliX can also be used for the subsequent creation of a (q)PCR setup.
Pipetting Channels